The VisibleDustEcono Clean Kit is a complete sensor cleaning solution that lets you safely get rid of dust and stains on your sensor.The cleaning kitincludes 4ml bottles of Visible Dust Sensor Clean, Visible Dust Smear Away and VDust Plus formula along with 9 Ultra MXD Green Swabs that can be used onDSLR or mirrorless cameras.

VisibleDust Sensor Clean

First up is VisibleDust’sresidue-free, Non-toxic, non-corrosive Sensor Clean solution. It’snon-alcoholic and non-hygroscopic, especially effective for cleaning dust and water stains. Anti-fogging and dust repellent properties make it a preferred choice for sensor cleaning.

Visible Dust VdustPlus Formula

Moving on to the Vdust Plus Formula, it powers through water stains and can also clean up most light oil stains as well, eliminating streaking and providing a moderate static barrier.

VisibleDust Smear Away

Finally, the Smear Away solution is designed to target more stubborn stains and smears left behind by electronic grease, oil or other substances. It also provides anti-static properties that guard the sensor from getting contaminated immediately after cleaning.

Ultra MXD Green Swabs

Ultra MXD Green Swabs feature patented mini channels that hold ontocleaning solution forlonger, giving you time to clean the sensor gradually and thoroughly. The V shape of the swab adds to its manoeuvrability and keeps the force evenly distributed, reducing the occurrence of streaks.